
Introduction: This interdisciplinary article is conducted to investigate the effects of the three components of color, illumination, type, and texture of environmental materials on people with dementia of Alzheimer’s type with a neuropsy-chological approach. The aim of this article is to respond to the environmental needs of these patients to reduce cognitive impairment, behavioral disorders and improve their daily living activities. Method: is conducted by inductive qualitative content analysis method based on narrative review from 1970 to 2017. Down and Black checklist for quality assessment is used to include interven-tional research. Results: while color and illumination are classified into four categories, type and texture of environmental materials are categorized into two groups.Conclusion: cross-case analysis and comparative analysis showed that type, color, temperature, and illumination have non-pharmacological treatment on people with dementia and Alzheimer disease. Also, type and texture of environmental materials have an important role in their desired and / or undesirable mental and visual perception, rather than on their physiological state. The syn-ergistic effect of color, illumination, type and texture of environmental materials can enhance the semantic environmental perception for people with dementia and Alzheimer’s.

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